With its world famous corrugated-iron “starting stalls”, Questa Casa is the last of the original brothels built during Kalgoorlies’ gold-rush era of the 1890’s.
It, like the others that followed, were subjected to Western Australias’ Containment Policy; an unofficial ‘official‘ government policy which was applied to selected naughty places trading illegally in the face of the WA’s Criminal Code.
A curious cloak of gentility shrouds this frontage; the front belies the friendly interior. This house tells more of the town’s history and social attitudes than all the restored pomp of Kal’s gold-rush grandeur. Once all the gates were decorated by under-clad ladies of the night… now… most stand empty, a sign of the times.
Of all the illegal houses that constituted Kalgoorlies’ infamous Hay Street, we are the only ‘gold-rush’ brothel left, and as such, have become one of Kalgoorlies’ ‘must do‘ tours.